Remember the post on “The want to be with me”? I wrote some time back, well if you are new to this post, then here’s the link.. and yes…I’m now on that road to find my “self”..Wishing for a beautiful and blissful journey….:)

Who said life can be boring and monotonous?
Filled with the drudgery, so tiring?
Today I lived my pendulum swings,
Tasting the bits of the best.
The low was a kick,
Sudden and too quick,
The world stopped, the time did too,
The haze, the blur, all seemed so new.
It took a while, to clear the mist,
As people questioned, my silent bliss,
The aloneness is a fine state to be,
As you travel far, near your ‘self’ you reach.
The darkness, the cave,
The serenity here,
It might pain somewhat,
Unlike a façade it’s clear.
The perspectives it gives,
The ones you truly learn,
The teacher, your experiences,
Your life, a book you govern.
The self is to be loved,
Happy or sad,
That’s’ all I have!
It reminds me of one of my post " i am with me " :D
You wrote it beautifully must say :)
Thnk u Reich....ur so many comments on my posts made me shmile shmile:) Well.. the above has shades of sadness in it darling...looking forward for the positive to emerge out of it..and ur post "I am with me" sounds a happy one to share:)
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