clothes are done in the washing machine, waiting for me to open and be dried as
if autumn was here. The vegetables lie packed in the fridge waiting to be chopped
only to turn into something delicious. Ah! The pain of the knife. Don’t we all
get a little chopped and scarred to turn into better versions of ourselves? The
sitcoms on the laptop wait no more to be watched. In fact they know that the
bored newly married girl shall reach out to them for escape. However, for now
she resorted to her love; that which all began some 6 years back. Wow! Yarn of
Words has come with age, hasn’t it? It keeps knitting something beautiful every
now and then. It knows that people come by and read but it always cringes at
the thought “Are they so busy not to leave a word here?” and then Ms. Owner
thinks “Well, I’m busy with my life to visit other blogs, so….” The Yarn gets
going to mind its own business.
are times when we have a lot to keep ourselves occupied with, yet we crib and
cry coz we just do not feel like
walking upto it and owning ourselves to it. We simply keep waiting for the work
or the task to come to us. Question: Does it ever come to us? NO! It never will! For instance,
yesterday when I was struck by cold and feeling all low in the dungeons, I had to rise above that dreary state and
tell myself “Wake up, you are not dying! It’s just a cold!” (as if it’s just a
cold?!). Few minutes have passed since I shook myself up to change the state of
my mind. Oh yeah, you see it was all gaseous awhile back and now it’s flowy and
it feels much better ( kindly
bear as I rant)
just started with a 100days of art challenge today where everyday I shall be
giving myself some prompts to make some art. Today I picked up a
random song, it was Justin Bieber’s Love Yourself (with lyrics). The challenge was to draw as
I listened to the song. I think I did a good job with the colours and the
symbols. Go ahead, listen and soak yourself with the art if you can!:)

Aakriti (Kunal, yeah from Hausle Buland:D)
P.S: I'm gearing up myself for some writing everyday
P.P.S: As I finish writing this post I recall some words by some one; it meant there are too many things to do in life to get bored. So..I'll!
1 comment:
keep it up.
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