Monday, July 9, 2012

Letters from my Love (II)

In continuation from Letters from my Love (I)
I know I might have hurt her sometimes, being human and having some sort of empty spaces somewhere, we are all prone to miscommunications. Yet I feel sorry for the days and those milliseconds when her smile vanished only to be substituted by something disturbing. Her smile was and still is way too precious for me. Seeing that melts me. It has that magnetic power to attract me and I alone know how I hold myself in those moments as much as I'm drawn to her. By the way, I found another letter by her, this time in the pages of my book by Wilde.
I was looking for this particular chapter of his when I found it. Beautifully decorated in her handwriting was written #2. I wondered what she had to say in this one.

"Hey Sunshine. Good morning. Hey moonlight, a blissful night to you. Well, I just thought not knowing what time you would open this I would simply gift you my wishes to whatever part of the day you end up opening it.
There is no purpose or motive behind these letters dear, for all that I have been told is that true love happens sans any purpose, all you gotta do is love and love more.
Expression may come easy to me; believe me words play their own games. I can write but speak I cannot. In many meetings that followed after our first few ones, these lips of mine wished they could utter what the heart had been carrying for long. That love showed but the words lingered lazily. In silence I loved you, still do and will.
I have often thought how it would be for you to read these letters from me. In fact after re- reading I doubted if they were indeed written by me?! And I got my answer love, I got it when my heart whispered to me:
When in love, you end up surprising yourself more often than not!:)
I know not how you feel about us, I know not.....
I only feel the breeze that flows from your heart to mine.... I feel. Yet, do let me know in ways you shall please; shall wait to hear from you.....
And worry not if it is otherwise, my heart shall not stop loving you.

Have a wonderful day!

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