A lock with one key,
A lock on that one door,
That door leads to the secret,
That can in no way be revealed.
Many doors lead to innumerable paths,
Like the roots of a complex tree,
These paths intersect with people from life,
And are easy to open with specific keys.
The secrets which the heart has sealed,
Are not by means the best of choice,
For with whom does it open up?
Wishing to speak, but loses its voice.
It’s a shameful thing to share and speak,
Things sealed, with feelings perplexed,
It’s like stabbing your heart with its key,
Not knowing anything, in a state of vex.
If only did it had someone,
Who perhaps wouldn’t judge at all,
Listen simply the way things were,
All it would take, then, just one call.
The fear, the anticipation,
The wait, for that another heart,
The loneliness, the sad tears,
For that key to lock this heart.
One goes in search of another,
All ready to expose its best,
Perhaps the secrets were not privy,
The two locks would meet,
And go on their quest!!
loved it :)
simply awesome :)
deep... good... very good...
@ Srishti: thnks a bunch:):)keep reading My stuff..;)..lol
@ Shuttti: awww darling...I feel very glad whenever you read one!!thnkies:D
" the secrets which the heart has sealed...."
that particular para... mind blowing,..the way the author has presented the agony is just awesome...
open doors are always at a risk to be closed....and "at times" you doo not find the key
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